Academic Open Internet Journal

ISSN 1311-4360

Volume 21, 2007



WebATU: Web Service Automated Testing Utility

Deena Yunam ,   N.Ch.S.N.Iyengar &  A.Kannammal*

School of Computer Sciences

Vellore Institute of Technology,Deemed University

Vellore-632014 T.N, India


*Department of Computer Technology& Applications

Coimbatore Institute of Technology

Coimbatore-641014, Tamilnadu




Web Services is arguably the most powerful and popular software technology in today’s connected e-world. This paper gives a briefing about web services and also touches upon the various standards that have evolved over the years, such as XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. This paper advocates the need for testing web services as Testing Web Services poses a big challenge to testing professionals because of its inherently complex and distributed nature. Web Service Automated Testing Utility (WebATU) will enable us to locate and invoke web service methods directly. It supports all of the core Web service technologies like WDSL, SOAP, and it is an ideal Web service tool for testing Web services, inspecting WSDL files, automating or accelerating verification of each component when developing Web service enabled applications.

Keywords: web service, WSDL, SOAP, Axis, functional testing.

1. Introduction


As we move towards a more connected world, the web is becoming an integral part of our lives. With the invention of Web Services, distributed computing is once again gaining focus of many leading organizations and industry experts. Web Services as the name implies, offer services over web for consumers, and it is set to play a very important role in the future of computing.

1.1  Web Services


The layman’s definition for Web Services can be, an application that provides a Web API. A web API is an API which provides communication using Extensible Markup Language (XML) and the web. Web services are arguably the most powerful and popular software technology in today’s connected software world.

Web Services promise Internet enabled modular, standards based, platform independent and language neutral method for integrating applications on the web. Web Services are a new form of middleware based on XML and the Web. Traditional middleware technologies have numerous limitations/drawbacks: Usage difficulty,  Lack of heterogeneity, Expensive, Maintenance difficulty, Tight coupling with the solutions they work for, Platform dependence at lower layers, Lack of Support for complex distributed systems, etc.

Web Services can solve the issues mentioned above as they are platform and language independent. Web Service developed in one language can be deployed on any platform. In addition, once a Web Service is deployed, it can be accessed by any other application, regardless of language or platform. This is primarily achieved by XML and Web protocols which are platform and language independent and can work both internally and across the Internet.

As stated earlier, traditional middleware such as RPC, CORBA and DCOM are tightly coupled with the solutions due to which, they can create problems when modifications are made to the solutions. On the other hand, Web Services are loosely coupled with the solutions, hence reducing the impact of changes in the solutions. In addition, Web Services have evolved over the years based on industry standards like XML, SOAP, WSDL and so on. This has obviously made Web Services gain more acceptance than the previous middleware technologies.

1.1 Web Services Standards


Although Web Services can be considered an independent architecture, it has its basis on a set of standards. Prominent industry leaders are working on the set of standards that enable the web services architecture to be scalable and interoperable. Apart from the most poulary used XML, the web services standards that have evolved over the last few years is given an overview.


1.1.1 WSDL (Web Service Description Language)


The W3C defines WSDL as an XML format for describing network services as a set of end points operating on messaging containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information. The operations and messages are described abstractly, and then bound to a concrete network protocol and message format to define an endpoint. WSDL basically provides a universal interface for consumers. It plays an important role for the consumer since the consumer is not exposed to any other details apart from WSDL for utilizing the web services.


1.1.2 SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)


SOAP is a light weight protocol for exchanging information in a distributed environment. It provides a simple mechanism for exchanging information between peers using XML. As such SOAP does not define programming model or implementation details. It just defines a simple mechanism for expressing application semantics.


1.1.3 UDDI (Universal Discovery, Description and Integration Language)


The Universal Discovery, Description and Integration protocol is one of the important standards from the Web Services stack. The UDDI specification defines a standard method for publishing and discovering the network based software components of a web service.


1.3.5         Axis

            Axis is the third generation of Apache SOAP, essentially a SOAP engine—a framework for constructing SOAP processors such as clients, servers and gateways. It delivers the key features like speed, flexibility, stability and transport framework. Axis supports the Web Service Description Language, version 1.1 which allows build stubs easily, to access remote services, and also to automatically export machine - readable description of deployed services from Axis.

1.2 SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture)


Service-Oriented Architecture is essentially a collection of services. These services communicate with each other that can data processing or coordination of activities.  SOA has been present since the days of DCOM and CORBA.  Essentially it is an architectural style whose goal is to achieve loose coupling among interacting software components. Figure 1 illustrates service oriented architecture in its simplest form. The communication is typically carried out in a manner which is understandable to both the consumer and the provider.








            Web Services technology can be stated as an instantiation of this design pattern known as Service-Oriented Architecture, which has been used traditionally to design and build distributed systems.


The application provided in this paper is the WEBATU:Web Service Automated Testing Utility. WebATU supports deep testing of Service – Oriented Architectures (SOA) consisting of any number of web services, which are tied to back-end databases.

  • No-code SOAP/XML testing and WSDL exploration and test maintenance. All the information need to know is the URL to capture and invoke any type of test against a web service.
  • WebATU is no-code automated testing, meaning no longer have to script tests.
  • WebATU runs on any client and supports Java and .NET and any other SOAP compliant web service.


WebATU provide the way to perform several tests in very short period of time. It supports Functional Testing to ensure that the functionality of the web service is as expected. It allows to run all test cases one time for each web service. Figure 2 depicts the architecture of the proposed system.


                                                 Figure 2 – System Architecture


WebATU gives request to web server for WSDL through client browser, server gives WSDL file as response to client browser, and the tool fetch the wsdl from browser. With the help of Apache Axis client, WebATU generates all the required stubs to invoke and execute the available API’s in the web services. WebATU communicates with server through SOAP messages which makes WebATU to be x language and platform independent.



3.1 Use Case Modeling

The functional requirements of the system are specified in terms of use cases. A use case is a scenario describing the interaction between the user and the system. The use case modeling for the proposed architecture is depicted in Figure 3.


Figure 3 Use Case Modeling


The actor can be a developer, a Qaulity Assurance or Testing person. The description of use cases follows:

  • Retrieve WSDL from web application: retrieves the WSDL from the deployed web service application.
  • Execute Axis WSDL tool command: generates the stubs using Axis WSDL2Java tool. where stub is a client side program which acts as a proxy for the server. Stubs are used to make calls to the webservices .
  • Create testclient: it imake use of stub and will help in invoking services of web service.
  • Invoke services: the services available in web services application are invoked to perforn functional testing.
  • Verify output: functional testing is performed.


3.2 Collaboration Modeling


        The collaboration between various components is given by Figure 4.


Figure 4 Collaboration Modeling


The  testclient would call the stub and make use of all the classes available inside the stub for testing web service. Some of the classes present inside stub are:

  1. service interface of the webservice. The service locator implements this interface.
  2. helper factory to retrieve a handle to the service.
  3. client side stub that encapsulates the client access.
  4. Serialized beans generated dynamically and used as input and return in addition to catching the exceptions.



WebATU can be implemented in wide area of testing in any kind of web application software in todays IT industry. According to the architecture of the web application, a user has to configure and setup the application to be ready to communicate with any compliance clients. The setup may require configuring Apache Tomcat server according to the architecture. The proposed system can be broadly divided into two modules namely server setup and client setup.


4.1 Server Setup


In order for a Web Service to be accessible by Axis compatible clients, the Service must first be deployed, and desired methods enabled. Deployment can be done dynamically while the server is started. The user can do this either by accessing the administrative web page of the Axis server runtime through a web browser, or by remotely invoking proper methods of the Axis server runtime through an Axis compatible client.


4.2 Client Setup


Once the server is up and running, any Axis compliant client can begin invoking methods of deployed services after proper authentication.  Since the underlying transport protocol can be HTTP or NON HTTP, authentication is currently implemented using a common login web service. This web service returns a sessionID, which the client uses for calls to the rest of the web services. After a connection is established, clients call the services by providing the method name and its corresponding parameters. The sub modules of Client Setup are detailed in the following sections.


4.2.1 Obtain WSDL for deployed services


When a service is made available through Axis, there is typically a unique URL associated with that service.  If the service is accessed through that URL in a browser, a message can be seen, indicating that the endpoint is an Axis service that should be usually accessed using SOAP. However, if we tack on "?wsdl" to the end of the URL, Axis will automatically generate a service description for the deployed service and return it as XML in the browser.  The resulting description may be saved or used as input to proxy-generation.


4.2.2 Generate Stubs/Drivers

The required steps to generate Stubs or Driver are


1.      Extract the WSDL for the required webservices.

2.      Use the WSDL2Java Axis utility to generate the Axis stubs specific to Java.

3.      Use the stubs to make calls to the webservices.


For example:      WebService : Calculator API

                            URN             : http://localhost:8080/axis/CAlculatorAPI.jws

                            Method        : subtract

                            Input Params: int a1, int a2

                            Output Params: a1-a2


Step1: extract the WSDL for the webservice

Enter http://localhost:8080/axis/CalculatorAPI?wsdl in the browser to obtain the WSDL for the webservice.


Step2: use Axis WSDL2Java tool for generating the stubs

On the command prompt type: “Java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java –o . –ptesting.soap AccountService.wsdl”. This generates the following files in the package testing\soap.

  1. New interface file that contains the appropriate java.rmi.Remote usages.
  2. service interface of the webservice. The service locator implements this interface.
  3. helper factory to retrieve a handle to the service. 4) client side stub that encapsulates the client access.
  4. Account,User,* Serialized beans generated dynamically and used as input and return in addition to catching the exceptions.


Step3: Using the Stub to make calls to the web services.

Verify the bean classes before using them as input and output parameters.

4.2.3 Invoke Services

Using the generated stubs and drivers, all the available services should be able to get invoked using java client program which could be deployed into the web server. This WebATU would provide a user friendly GUI to invoke all these services.

4.2.4 Testing Strategy:  Functional Testing


This type of testing is done to ensure that the functionality of the web service is as expected. Functional testing also takes care of bounds testing and error checking. Essentially, functional testing is carried out to test the behavior of the system as a whole. When performing functional testing for Web Services, it becomes important that all the methods exposed by a WSDL are tested properly with proper input values. Ideally, the functional testing tool should fit into the framework as depicted in Figure 5.





A STUB generator is a program which reads the WSDL file and gives the tester all the exposed methods by the web service. The WSDL file also contains other vital information about the exposed methods, like the input parameters and output parameters. It also contains information about complex data types if they are required for some methods. While testing Web Services, it becomes necessary to have a STUB generator which provides the necessary SOAP stubs for calling the exposed methods in WSDL. Once the SOAP stubs are created, the next big task is to create the input parameters for a method under test.

The popular tool Axis is used widely to generate SOAP stubs from the WSDL specifications. It generates code after reading the WSDL file. Once the code is generated it is normally consumed by a client code which is language specific to get the functional testing done.





Screen 1


This is an input screen used for entering the WSDL file.



Screen 2


This form will give all the methods present in the WSDL file. When you select any method present in the combo box, the return type of the method, no of parameter as well as its type will be visible in the text area.



Screen 3



This form is used for how u prefer to give inputs of the parameter present in the method u have already selected.

Screen 4



This is the output screen. It shows the result of the testing process you have done. If the testing is successful it’ll print “finish safely” otherwise it’ll print all the exception being encountered




Due to its inherent complex nature, testing Web Services poses various challenges to test     engineers.  WebATU  is developed after thorough study of Web Service Architecture and its related technologies. It is an excellent web service Functional Testing Tool.  WebATU is very fast and execute with great speed because it uses Sax Parsing. WebATU runs on any client and supports Java and .NET and any other SOAP complaint web service.




The current features provide to amend the basic needs of tester and a programmer to test and verify functionalities of each API in the web service, irrespective of the platform and languages used in the development. However, elaborate results and reports on each API could be generated with enhancement of the current tool by embedding new features in the future. For example a new feature can be added as an enhancement that would generate report on each API after the completion of test execution, by which all the users can view the report on his/ her mail box. Also another feature can be added, which enables a user to run the test suit online, which will be more efficient and effective in the product testing life cycle. To eliminate the complexity associated with the changes that takes place in the WSDL, the location of the WSDL file can be referred to instead of saving the WSDL file in the local disk.




  1. Elfriede Dustin. Effective software Testing-50 specific ways to improve your testing
  2. William E.Perry. Effective Methods For Software Testing
  3. Bosworth Adam;Developing Web Services;IEEE,2001
  4. Curbera Francisco, Duftler Mathew, Khalaf Rania, Nagy William, Mukhi Nirmal,Weerawarana Sanjiva; Unravelling the Web Services:Web-An Introduction to SOAP,WSDL and UDDI;
  5. IEEE Internet Computing,March/April 2002
  6. Web Services Architecture, February 2004,
  7. Web Services Description Language, August 2005,
  8. SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0: Primer, June 2003,


  1. Jeffery Buzen, Leo Parker, “Measurement Principles for Web Services”,December 2003
  2. Mike Vermeulen, “Testing Web Services”, August 2002



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